Personal Information

With massive availability of information one only requires passion and dedication to learn and and become whatever you desire to be

I set out to learn Coding with Python in 2018 with a desire to transition to a career in Data science While teaching as a junior faculty in a University and started studying data-science and machine learning full-time. My passion sustained me. I spent many nights on MOOC platforms especially Coursera and Udemy as well as coding tutorials and discussing on data science forums.

For me everyday is an opportunity to learn and while I am fully engaged as a junior faculty member, I work as a data science freelancer for several research teams and businesses I am also enrolled for PhD in computer science at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria.

About me

Data Analytics for Businesses

Data Collection, Cleaning, Understanding and Exploration.

Predictive Systems

I build Descision Support and Predictive systems for business owners and managers

Machine Learning

I have a deep understanding of the theory, implementation, and best practices that make machine learning applications successful.

Academic Researchin Machine Learning

I am experienced in publication of research findings in academic journals and conferences.

Model Deployment

I implement machine learning models in real world Web-based applications for businesses Using Streamlit APIs.

Cloud Compute

I maintain IBM Watson Studio Account for database storage, model training, and model deployment.


Database Manipulation (SQL) - 3

Cluster Computing (Spark) - 1

Data Analytics

Visualization and Presentation - 4

Statistical Methods - 3

Machine Learning (AI)

Deep Learning CNN (Keras) - 4

Predictive Modelling with SKLearn - 4

My Latest Projects

Take a look at my previous works.

May, 2020

Analysis and Short-Term Forecast of Covid-19 Spread in Nigeria

In this work the objective was to understand outbreak of COVID-19 in Nigeria, I carryout a Comparison of the cases in Nigeria with other African Countries, Futhermore I carryout a Comparison with worst affected countries in Europe and America.

finally using four Machine Learning and Time Series Forecasting models I present a short-term forecast (June 4 -20th, 2020) of Covid-19 spread in Nigeria with minima RMSE.

May, 2020

Exploring Chinese Restaurants in Lagos, Nigeria

In this capstone stone project, I searched Chinese Restaurants in Lagos Using the Foursquare location data API.

This work will demostrate in details how to make calls to the Foursquare API, construct a URL to send a request to the API to search for a specific type of venues and to explore a particular venue, geographical location, and to get trending venues around a location. I will also, show how to use the visualization library, Folium, to visualize the results.

May, 2020

Machine Learning Model for Predicting Survivability of COVID-19 Patients

In this project I built machine learning models for the prediction and visualization of the significant factors that determine the survivability of COVID-19 patients. The prediction models are decision trees, logistic regression, gradient boosting, and logistic regression algorithms

The work is accepted and published as a book chapter by ELSEVIER in DATA SCIENCE FOR COVID-19 The model was implemented on IBM Cloud Using IBM Watson Studio